Bible Drill & Bible Buddies Kick Off Lunch
2nd-6th Graders & Families

Sunday, January 5
12:15PM in Fellowship Hall

Children in 2nd through 6th grade and their families are invited to the Bible Drill & Bible Buddies Kick Off Lunch on Sunday, January 5 at 12:15PM in Fellowship Hall to learn about the Bible Drill program and kick off a spring of Bible learning. 4th-6th graders participate in Bible Drill and 2nd-3rd graders have Bible Buddies. Both activities follow Sunday worship services at 11:00 and begin around 12:15, starting with lunch. Bible Drill meets from January until the end of April and Bible Buddies meets for six weeks following the family kick-off lunch. Please RSVP HERE and contact Carrie Beth Tonks with questions or for more details.

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