Calvary is so grateful when people choose to contribute to the church as a way to remember and honor the special people in their lives. These gifts will help further the mission and ministry of Calvary Baptist Church. Please click to see the 2024 Memorial and...
LOGOS Ministry Survey Calvary’s LOGOS Ministry for those 60 and older would like input on scheduling future activities and events. If you’re a senior adult, share your suggestions and preferences by completing the online survey HERE. Hard copy surveys are...
LOGOS Senior Ministry Potluck Lunch & Bunco Thursday, January 16 12PM in Fellowship Hall Invite a friend and come join Calvary’s LOGOS Ministry for a potluck lunch followed by some Bunco fun on Thursday, January 16. Please bring a side dish or dessert to...
Adult Sunday School Christmas Gatherings Sunday, December 15 All Adult Sunday School classes will gather for breakfast treats and conversation on Sunday, December 15th at or just prior to Sunday School. We’re asking everyone to bring a breakfast food or sweet...
Thanksgiving Lunch Sunday, November 24 at 12:15PM Fellowship Hall/Gym We’re grateful for a wonderful church family here at Calvary and we’re celebrating at our annual Thanksgiving Lunch following the 11AM worship service on Sunday, November 24. All are welcome, so...
Church Picnic & Bring a Friend Weekend Picnic – Saturday, September 21 4-6PM at Donamire Farm Bring a Friend – Sunday, September 22, Worship & Sunday School Calvary’s Annual “Bring a Friend Weekend” kicks-off with an opportunity to invite your...