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Carrie Beth Tonks
Ministry of Childhood Education
Children’s Ministry Newsletter
Sunday School
9:45 am – 10:45 am Sunday
Sunday School is the basic Bible teaching program of our preschool ministry. Here preschoolers experience a time of age appropriate learning of Bible stories and Bible verses through activities such as art, blocks, homeliving, music, puzzles, books, and other fun activities. Babies through Kindergarten meet on the first floor of EB1.
Worship Care
11:00 am Sunday
Worship Care is where preschoolers are cared for and taught while parents attend worship. Bible-learning activities continue during this time. Worship Care is provided for preschoolers, birth through age four, by our baby teachers, parents of preschoolers and other volunteers from our Calvary church family. Our five-year-olds attend worship with their parents and once each month participate in the Preschoolers Experiencing Worship (P.E.W) program following the children’s sermon at 11:00.
Childcare will be provided for preschoolers (birth through Kindergarten) in the preschool area, during all regularly scheduled organizations of the church. Childcare will also be provided for special church-wide activities, Bible studies and training events.
Mission Kids for Preschoolers (Mission Friends)
Mission Kids for Preschoolers is the church missions organization for three year olds through Kindergarten. Mission Friends provides hands-on missions learning experiences to help preschoolers move from a self-centered focus to a focus on others, to become aware that not everyone knows God’s love and to understand ways they can help others know of God’s love in their city, country, and around the world. Mission Friends meets during the school year.
Parent’s Day Out/Preschool
9:30 am– 2:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday
Parent’s Day Out/Preschool is a ministry to the parents of our church and our community. PDO seeks to provide for preschoolers, babies through five year olds, a time of physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual growth through age-appropriate learning activities. PDO strives to minister to parents to provide a time of refreshment and support. Preschoolers may be enrolled for the school year session and/or the six-week summer session. Email Andrea Caudill, Director
Sunday School
9:45 am – 10:45 am Sunday
Sunday School is the basic Bible teaching program of our Children’s ministry. It is the backbone of all we do! We have a great time of Bible study with teachers who are prepared to help the children learn Bible stories, memorize Bible verses, know how to use their Bibles and discover that the Bible is their guide for Christian living. We believe learning the Bible can be fun! Our desire is to help the children learn God’s truth and help them apply it to their everyday lives. Elementary-aged children meet on the second floor of EB1 for Sunday School.
Bible Drill and Bible Buddies
12:10 pm – 1:30 pm Sundays, January–April
Children’s Bible Drill is designed for girls and boys in grades 4-6, to help increase their knowledge of the Bible and skill in using the Bible. Children learn the names of the books of the Bible in order, develop skills in finding the books of the Bible. They learn ten key passages, and memorize and locate 25 Bible verses.
Bible Buddies is an activity for girls and boys in grades 2-3. Children in this group meet for six weeks and learn the books of the New Testament one year and the books of the Old Testament the next year. They learn something about their content, six Bible verses, and how to use their Bible effectively.
Missions Kids (RAs And GAs)
6:30 pm Wednesday
GAs and RAs are mission programs for girls and boys designed to help them learn about missions and missionaries in our community, country and world. Each Wednesday during the school year children learn about, pray for, and give to missions, missionaries, and their work. Children also experience a special International Mission Study in the fall. Our committed missions education leaders seek to involve children in projects outside the walls of Calvary and help them to be “doers of the Word,” several times during the year.
New Christian Class
Fall and Spring for 4 Weeks
Class for children who have made a profession of faith or would like to know more about salvation and church membership. Each class has four sessions and is offered, twice a year, in the fall and spring during the Sunday School hour. In this class children are taught the meaning of and how to become a Christian, the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, growing in their faith, and becoming a church member.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for one week each summer and meets from 9:00 AM to 12:00PM. It is a major outreach event designed not only to teach our own children but also to reach out to the girls and boys of our community. It stresses Bible study and also involves crafts, recreation, missions, and music. It is an exciting time of learning and building relationships for children in grades 1-5.