Calvary Women’s Ministry Bible Study
Sunday Evenings beginning September, 8
5-6:30PM in Rachel’s Room, EB2

Ladies of all ages are invited to the Calvary Women’s Ministry Sunday Evening Bible Study, Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien. Fran Rohlfing leads this 8 session study on Sunday evenings from 5-6:30PM beginning September 8, 2024 in Rachel’s Room on the third floor of EB2. No meeting on September 29th due to fall break, and a start time of 5:30 on October 13th due to the Together in Unity concert. The study ends on November 3rd. Please join us for a fantastic study! Click HERE to sign up. If you need childcare, or have any questions, please contact Jennifer Ward.
Click HERE for the Amazon link to the book.

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