
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry at Calvary Baptist Church invites youth to actively engage with God and our world through the use of our head, heart and hands.
Weekly Schedule
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Youth Lounge?
The Youth Lounge is located in the basement below the Sanctuary in Education Building 1 (EB1). Take the stairs down on either side of the back hallway behind the Sanctuary. Sunday Bible Study, Wednesday evening events, and other youth activities all take place in the Youth Lounge.
My youth wants to go on a trip, but we can’t afford it. Can Calvary help?
We believe that money should never be an impediment to youth attending a retreat, trip, or event. If you need financial help, please contact Justin Sizemore.
What do youth do in Sunday Bible Study?
Sunday Bible Study (Sunday School) is a small-group Bible study organized by grade for high schoolers and by gender for middle schoolers. Youth will study Bible stories, talk about current events, and discuss faith.
What do youth do at Dinner & Small Groups?
This time includes dinner, a “check-in” time, prayer, as well as a lesson with discussion time. Check the Connections or Weekly Youth Newsletters for additional information.
What do youth do on Wednesday evenings?
Wednesday evenings Youth will play games, sing, hear a challenging devotional thought, and participate in age-based discussion groups.

Weekly Schedule
You’re Invited!
Join us throughout the week for worship, fellowship, service, Bible study, and fun! Check our website and our weekly newsletter for the most current schedule.
Contemporary Worship in Fellowship Hall, 8:30 am
This worship service includes contemporary praise and worship music and many worshippers dress casually. Free donuts and coffee provided!
Sunday Bible Study in the Youth Lounge, 9:45 am (Breakfast at 9:45 am, Class at 10:00 am)
Explore God’s word through this morning Bible study opportunity. Classes are grouped by middle school and high school.
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, 11 am
This worship service focuses on traditional Baptist worship and is led by Calvary’s Sanctuary Choir.
Dinner & Discipleship, Sundays at 5-7pm
Deepen your understanding of the Bible and of your faith every week at Dinner & Small Groups. Youth will meet for a meal and discipleship time. If you want to learn more, grow in your faith, and grow closer to your friends, this is the activity for you! Watch the Calvary Newsletter and Weekly Youth Newsletter for more information.
Family Meal in the Fellowship Hall, 5pm
Get a full meal with your family for only $6!
Gym and Homework Huddle, 5pm and Group Activity Time, 6pm
Start off with open gym time or finish up that homework at 5pm. Then at 6pm we begin our group activities which can include games, singing, a devotional challenge, and small group discussions.

Contact Us
Contact Chuck Powell, Minister to Families with Youth & Missions
Sign Up For Text Reminders
Please text @cbclexyou to phone number 81010
Weekly Youth Newsletter