Calvary Christmas Project


Since 1975, Calvary Baptist Church has reached out to families in need throughout our community with the Calvary Christmas Project. What began as a single class project serving eight families has now grown to a multi-facetted church mission project that serves approximately one hundred families. If you do not see the information you are looking for, please use the contact information provided for each area, email, or call the church office at 859-254-3491,

The Christmas Project accepts donations of new or gently used children’s clothing, housewares and toys for families to shop for while they are here at Calvary picking up their gifts and food boxes.

Contact Person

Missy Sanders
(859) 948-7893

Christmas Project Store Donations

The Calvary Christmas Project will include the “store” this year. We are looking for gently used or new donations of children’s clothes, housewares and toys. Please see details about donating items below and bring donations to basement of EB2 on Sundays or Wednesday evenings, or to the church office Monday through Thursday from 8:30AM-4:30PM and Friday from 8:30AM-12PM through December 13.
  • FALL and WINTER children’s clothing
  • Rubber band or tie shoe pairs together.
  • Please place as much clothing as possible on wire hangers.
  • Disposable diapers and Pull-Ups (opened packages and all sizes) are in need.
  • Toys should be clean and in working order with all parts. Please include batteries.
  • Rubber band all game boxes and puzzles to prevent spillage.
  • Place small toy sets or figurines in Ziploc bags to prevent separation.
  • Linens, towels and comforters should be clean and stain free. Please tie the sets together.
  • Clean, small, working appliances are accepted.
  • Place any accessories in Ziploc bags attached to item.

So, start now and share your “LOVE” (Lots Of Valuable Extras). Also, consider joining in the fun on Wednesday evenings from 5-7:30PM in the EBII basement for organizing and sorting donations:

  • November 6th
  • November 13th
  • November 20th
  • December 4th
  • December 11th

We will also need volunteers on Thursday, December 12th and Friday, December 13th throughout the day, 9AM-4PM, to assist with organizing, folding, and arranging the Christmas Project Donation Store.

(Donated tems not taken by Christmas Store shoppers will be donated to Goodwill following Saturday’s Christmas Project pick up day.)

Children’s Gift Wish Lists

Calvary families can visit the Gift Wish List table set up outside the fellowship hall or the sanctuary on Wednesdays and Sundays in November. Families can choose to sponsor an entire family or an individual child. Once a wish list has been selected, Calvary families will purchase new gifts off the wish list. Gifts will then be brought UNWRAPPED back to church, by Sunday, November 24th (gifts can be taken to the church office). Once the gifts have been brought to church they will be checked and readied for wrapping.

Gift Lists (wish lists for children) will be available for pick-up:

  • Sunday, November 3rd (outside the sanctuary, near the Rodes Ave. entrance)
  • Wednesday, November 6th (outside the fellowship hall)
  • Sunday, November 10th (outside the sanctuary, near the Rodes Ave. entrance)
  • Wednesday, November 13th (outside the fellowship hall)
  • Sunday, November 17th (outside the sanctuary, near the Rodes Ave. entrance)
  • Wednesday, November 20th (outside the fellowship hall)

Wish lists will continue to be available on Sundays and Wednesdays until all wish lists have been claimed.

It’s the Christmas Project mission for every child signed up for our Christmas Project to receive one of their wish lists items as a gift.

Contact Persons

Dianna Sue Sergeant
(859) 948-0015

Mandy Howard
(859) 948-8529

Families receive Food Boxes filled with a food items as well as personal/household items.

Contact Person

Tommy Roberts
(859) 492-9926

Food Boxes

Families receive Food Boxes filled with a ham, assorted canned and boxed goods, bread, milk, juice, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, margarine/butter, and personal items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc.) 

​Food boxes will be organized and labeled on Wednesday, December 11th starting at 6pm (gymnasium) to prepare for filling.

Food boxes will be filled on Friday, December 13th starting at 6pm (gymnasium). This is a family friendly event, and we invite Calvary members of all ages to participate. Dinner will be provided starting at 5:30pm on Friday, December 13th, and then we will proceed to fill and organize all the food boxes.

On Saturday, December 14th, food boxes will be picked up by Christmas Project families or will be delivered by Calvary families.

Gift Wrapping

Children’s wish list gifts will be brought to church unwrapped throughout November and early December. Once the gifts have been checked they will be ready for wrapping. Calvary families (and groups) can volunteer their time and wrapping talents on the following dates/times (these dates/times are subjective to having gifts to wrap) on the third floor of EB2:

  • Sunday, November 24th from 5-7pm
  • Sunday, December 1st from 5-7pm
  • Wednesday, December 4th from 6-8pm
  • Sunday, December 8th from 5-7pm
  • Wednesday, December 11th from 6-8pm
  • Thursday, December 12th from 6-8pm (if needed)
  • Friday, December 13th from 6-8pm

Additional wrapping times can be set up for groups of volunteers on additional dates/times if warranted. Donations of gift tags and Christmas gift bags are always needed.

Christmas gifts for the children are wrapped by Calvary volunteers.

Contact Person

Margaret Ann Smith
(205) 238-1163

On Christmas Project Saturday, families will come to pick-up their items or have them delivered.

Contact Person

Maria Harrington
(859) 684-5910

Christmas Project Saturday

Christmas Project Saturday (distribution and delivery day) is December 14th, from 8:00AM-1:00PM. This is very full morning and their are multiple opportunities for volunteers to get involved.

PRAYER ROOM – On Calvary Christmas Project day, families will have the opportunity to share prayer requests with prayer team members when they come to pick up their food boxes, wish list gifts, and “store” items. The prayer team invites each family to spend time discussing their prayer concerns, needs, and blessings. The prayer team continues their prayers of support throughout the year. Families will be mailed cards throughout the year and are invited to other activities sponsored by Calvary.

STORE – Personal Shoppers to walk, talk, and shop with families in the Christmas Store with all the donated (and now organized) household items, clothing and toys.

REFRESHMENTS – Families are invited to enjoy some refreshments and visit while they are at Calvary. Volunteers are needed to greet guests and monitor the refreshment table.

DELIVERY DRIVERS – Some of our families are unable to come pick up their gifts and food boxes so volunteers are needed to deliver to those families on Christmas Project Saturday.

LOADERS/ORGANIZERS to load food boxes, wish list gifts, and store items for families that come to Calvary to pick-up. 

Give a finanicial gift to Calvary’s Christmas Project

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