Meet Me @ Calvary
Welcome to Calvary, in the heart of Lexington, Kentucky! There is something for everyone here so we’ve gathered some information to help make it easier for you to explore. We can’t wait to meet you, and share in our ministry to each other and the community.
Sunday Worship
8:30AM in the Fellowship Hall
11:00AM in the Sanctuary (Traditional)
Sunday School
We’d love to help you find a class to join. See our options for Adult Sunday School classes HERE.
Babies through high school seniors are grouped in classes by age and grade.
Worship Care (childcare) is available for babies through Pre-K/4s during both the 8:30AM and 11:00AM services. Children, Kindergarten and older, participate in worship with their families. The 11:00AM service includes a children’s sermon.
What Do I Wear?
You can expect to see jeans, shorts, dresses, suits, ties and all attire in between. Please come as you are.
Check us out on social media

Calvary’s address is 150 E. High Street, Lexington, KY 40507.
Use the map image to find our Visitor Parking spots and enter for service or Sunday School using the Rodes Avenue entrance. Look for the breezeway between the buildings and you’re in the right place.