Click here to make a financial contribution to the ministry at Calvary.
You will be prompted to log in to your E-giving account or to create an account.
You may designate your contribution for a particular purpose by selecting the “Other” category under Make a Transaction and writing a description of the donation in the box provided.
Via Text
You can now use your messaging app from your mobile device to contribute to Calvary.
Your first-time text of any amount to 859.888.1979 will allow you to securely setup your payment information (Bank/Credit Card) and accept your donation.
Subsequent texts following the initial setup are received simply by texting a dollar amount to our number. When it’s time to change or remove your card information, simply send “Reset”.
If you desire to mail a contribution to Calvary Baptist, please send to:
Calvary Baptist Church
150 East High Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Legacy & Special Gifts
The Tomorrow Initiative is Calvary’s Planned Giving Program. Calvary’s members and supporters are encouraged to remember our church and secure its future through planned giving. Planned gifts are typically through:
- A Bequest in a Will
- A Life Income Gift
- Gift of Special Assets
Click HERE to watch a video on the impact of legacy giving
The Legacy Committee members welcome any questions you may have concerning Calvary’s Planned Giving Program. Please contact the church office or any member of the Legacy Committee.
Pay for an Event or Parking
If you would like to pay a fee for an event here at Calvary, or if you need to pay for your monthy parking, please click HERE
Pay PDO/Preschool Tuition
If you would like to pay a fee for an event here at Calvary, or if you need to pay for your monthy parking, please click HERE
Need Help?
Contact our Business Administrator, Ed Lynch, via email or at 254-3491 with any questions regarding E-giving or any other method of giving.
Legacy Committee
Please contact any member of the Legacy Committee for questions about planned giving.
Neil Reed, 859-388-4869
Bill Thurman, 859-225-4026
Mark Dill, 859-797-0282