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We’re so glad you are considering visiting Calvary.
If you don’t find the answers to your questions on this page, please call the church office at (859) 254-3491 and we’ll be happy to provide any additional information for you. We hope to see you soon at Calvary Baptist Church!
Frequently Asked Questions
What time are your Sunday Worship Services?
Services are offered at 8:30am and 11am.
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Our 8:30 a.m. worship service takes place in the Fellowship Hall in Calvary’s Recreation Outreach Center. It is a contemporary service where dress is casual, music is contemporary, and coffee, juice and doughnuts are served before and after the service. Our traditional service takes place at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. The sanctuary choir leads in worship with traditional hymns and the service is more liturgical. The same wonderful message is offered at both services.
Note: During December we have one worship service at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary
How do I get to Calvary?
Calvary Baptist Church is located at 150 East High Street in downtown Lexington, KY.
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Calvary Baptist Church is located at 150 East High Street in downtown Lexington, KY at the corner of Martin Luther King Boulevard and East High Street (at the viaduct).
Where should I park?
Several parking lots are located adjacent to the church property.
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There are several parking lots adjacent to the church property. Please scroll down to see the map below for parking locations.
Is there childcare?
Childcare is available for birth through pre-K age children during 8:30 and 11:00AM services.
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Yes. There is childcare for birth through pre-K age children during 8:30 and 11:00 worship services. Experienced childcare workers and volunteer parents lovingly supervise children. Security stickers are provided to parents who drop off preschoolers and a sticker with a matching number will need to be displayed when picking up children.
How can we find a Sunday School Class?
Sunday School classes are available for birth through senior adults beginning at 9:45 a.m.
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There are Sunday School classes for birth through senior adults beginning at 9:45 a.m. Birth through 5th grade classes meet in Education Building 1 (EB1) which is the building attached to the sanctuary building. Grades 6-12 meet in the lower level of the sanctuary building. Adult classes meet in either Education Building 2 (EB2) across the Rodes Avenue covered walkway, or the 3rd Floor of EB1. For more information you may visit the welcome desk on Sundays which is located on the first floor of EB2 just inside the Rodes Avenue door. Click HERE to view a list of Adult Sunday School classes.
What goes on at Calvary on Wednesday nights?
On Wednesday evenings our church family meets for our a fellowship dinner.
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On Wednesday evenings our church family meets for our regular Wednesday night fellowship dinner in the ROC Fellowship Hall. Dinner is served from 5:15 PM til 6:15 PM and cost is $6 for adults, $3 for students and children.
At 6:00 PM children 3 years old through grade 5 have children’s choir practice. At 6:40 the children begin missions study. For youth there is a Wednesday night Bible study in the youth lounge at 6:00. College Bible Study Dinner and Recreation begins at 7:00 PM. For adults, there is Bible study at 6:00 PM. Children and youth adjourn at 7:20 PM. Free childcare is available for birth through age 2 from 5:30 PM until 7:15 PM. on the first floor of EB1. Also on Wednesday nights, the sanctuary choir practices from 7:00 til 8:30PM. in the music suite on the second floor of EB1.
Who should I talk to if I have other questions?
Please give us a call at the church office (859) 254-3491 or e-mail your questions.
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Please give us a call at the church office (859) 254-3491 or e-mail your questions. On Sunday mornings, please feel free to stop by our welcome desk on the first floor of EB2 just inside the Rodes Avenue covered walkway that connects to the sanctuary building. We hope to see you soon at Calvary!